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Available courses

This course introduces the students to the foundation of chemical engineering at the intermediate level. Topics include: the role Chemical Engineers, engineering calculations, process and process variables, fundamentals of material and energy balances, single phase systems, multi-phase systems, and energy balances in non reactive.

This module introduces the students to the main concepts of momentum, energy and mass transport in chemical processes at the microscopic and macroscopic levels. Topics delivered will include: general equations of transport phenomena, continuity equation, equations of change for mass, momentum and energy transport phenomena.

This module introduces the heat and mass transfer operations most typical to the chemical processing industry, at the intermediate level. It will complement lectures and tutorials specific to the prerequisite modules and will expose the students to practical concepts while enhancing their understanding of the application of the fundamental principles of these topics

This module is designed to give students a clear understanding of the characteristics of particles and how these characteristics determine such prosperities as its density and conductivity, the surface per unit volume and the interaction between particles and fluids (liquids and gases). The module will also focus on some physical unit operations involving particle enlargement or reduction and particle separation and the design of these processes equipment.

2020 Virtual Frontiers in Particle Science and Technology | AIChE



 Watch this video for an overview of this module

The Unit operations IV module covers heat transfer and its application to chemical processes at the intermediate level. Students are exposed to equipment design, selection and specification for exploitation of the effects of the various modes of heat transmission.



 Watch this video for an overview of this module

This module introduces students to the fundamental concepts, principles and applications of mass transfer processes. The module covers mass transfer fundamentals such as diffusion, Fick’s law and mass transfer coefficients, and the design of tray and packed columns. Separation processes covered in detail include absorption, distillation and drying.


 Watch this video for an overview of this module

This course introduces the students to industrial chemical processes and strategies to analyze them based on PFD, quality control, environmental management, and production cost at the intermediated level. Topics include: process industry, process analysis, introduction to industrial safety engineering, and the impact on the environment. Processes are in relation to food, industrial raw materials and products which include sugar, production of inorganic acids, alumina, Portland cement, distilled spirits, and potable water

Course categories